raise a bilingual child in your nonnative language

LIttle Language Seeds
English Lessons for Everyday Life with Kids

Raise Your Child in English with Confidence as a Nonnative Speaker

Each month, receive a lesson centered around authentic American English parent-child interactions. Language notes and sample sentences prepare you to use new vocabulary and phrases right away with your child.

  • recorded English language lesson
  • short authentic recorded dialogue
  • language explanation and authentic examples
  • printable PDF version of the dialogue and language notes

When I was pregnant with my first child, I knew I wanted him to be bilingual.

But I was filled with doubts.

  • Is it even possible for a nonnative speaker raise a bilingual child?
  • If it is really possible, why do I never hear about success stories from nonnative speakers raising bilingual children?
  • Am I  proficiency enough in my second language?
  • Why do all the bilingual parenting books only mention to native speakers?
  • Where can I find language learning materials made specifically for with the language I need to parent in my nonnative language?

I was probably a lot like you. 

  • fluent in a second language and comfortable speaking at length
  • a deep desire to share the gift of bilingualism with my child
  • a lifelong learner
  • committed to speaking my nonnative language with my child
  • kind enough to myself to recover from the occasional (far more often than I’d like to admit) moments of  “Oh my goodness I am ruining my child!” or “What am I thinking? I must be crazy to for doing this!” 
Me and my phone’s dictionary app have been through a lot. Yet, as much as I loved my dictionary, it wasn’t enough. The definitions never showed the sentences I really needed. I struggled to figure out which words and phrases were appropriate for my everyday parenting situations.

The list was literally endless.

I needed:

  • something designed for an advanced nonnative speaker
  • real examples of everyday parenting language
  • 100% authentic parenting language
  • written and spoken examples
  • an explanation of all the language that would not be obvious for nonnative speakers


I needed something made for me. I needed something made for US.


So I used my knowledge as a PhD student in second language acquisition, my master’s degree in teaching English as a second language, and my personal experience as a parent raising a child in a nonnative language to develop the resource I wish I’d had.

I’m Stefanie, a linguist, English instructor, and non-native bilingual parent and I help parents and children who are learning English. I enable authentic, cross-cultural exchange by combining research as a doctoral student in second language acquisition with my own personal experience raising bilingual children who are discovering their world in two languages. I like to say that I’m doing my part to make the world just a little bit smaller.

I have studied four languages to the intermediate level or higher, but nothing compares to living a bilingual life. I first discovered it in college when I lived in France. Thanks to that experience, I can now live in my language every day through family interactions.

I am passionate about sharing the joy of truly connecting with real people from a culture different from your own. I love that “ah ha!” moment that comes both when we realize how different our lives are, but, more importantly, when we realize that we are really all the same. 

This process is best done early, preferably as children, before the world leaves its fingerprints on our mind’s eye in the form of prejudices and assumptions. But it’s never too late. 

I began learning languages in middle school. French was my first love. This expanded over the years to include the formal and informal study of Spanish, Japanese, and Arabic. A fascination with language led me to a bachelor’s degree in French and English literature. I went on to earn my master’s degree in teaching English as a second language (TESOL) in 2016. I worked specifically on course design and gained practical experience teaching adults from all walks of life in a community conversation program. This practical experience led me to teach English as a professional teacher online, allowing me to help over 50 students from all over the world come closer to achieving their language learning goals.

I sought to learn more about the processes and practices that lead to language learning, so I began a PhD in second language acquisition. As a doctoral student, I love to apply what I learn in my studies to better understanding how language learning can be supported through everyday interactions with our children.


one-on-one call

No two language learners or learning contexts are the same. Could you use some advice on a specific situation related to language learning, second language acquisition, or raising bilingual children? Let me ease your worries and help you feel more confident about the path forward.

I’m working hard at developing more high-quality courses to simplify your bilingual parenting journey. Be sure to check back!